Marilyn C.

Psalm 23:8 says, “I will guide you along the best path for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.”

This Psalm comes to mind when I think of C.N.A. Ruthie Johnson, who took such excellent care of my mother, Florine. Mother absolutely loved Ruthie, who was so personable, kind, and extremely patient with her. I have so many fond memories of watching them while they were together. There were times when I just could not get Mother to do things for me; but Ruthie could just charm Mother into doing almost anything, like getting her bath or a shampoo. Ruthie has an extraordinary ability to change a person’s mind from, “I don’t want to”, to “Well, okay.” I learned so many things about caregiving from Ruthie that I will take with me on this journey through life.

Ruthie is an incredible lady – a priceless treasure – who taught me the value of not letting the small stuff get to me. She was the glue that held me together when I felt as though I was falling apart, which was much of the time. I am so thankful that Ruthie was with my mother when she passed away, and I am so grateful and so blessed that she was there with me.


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Tribute of Life Foundation module

Comfort and peace on the end of life’s journey

tribute of life foundation

Facing the end of life can be hard. Facing it alone, in the absence of family, friends, financial resources and qualified caregivers, is even harder.

The Tribute of Life Foundation believes that everyone deserves to complete their journey in a warm, clean bed, surrounded by people who care deeply about meeting their medical, social, emotional and spiritual needs. Through our 'No One is Alone' initiative, we are committed to funding two beds in the Comfort Care Center for people who could not afford it otherwise.

To learn more about the Foundation, or to partner with us financially, just click one of the buttons below.

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